Autors: Vera Lacková, Daniel Grúň
Vizuals: Beáta Madajová
External advisor: Camilo Antonio
Research coordinator: Lucia Piešová
Specialist assistance: Peter Mičko, René Lužica, Veselin Popov, Elena Marushiaková
Produkction: Jan Bodnár
The exhibition looks at the stories of Roma resistance fighters during the Second World War. The author of the exhibition is Roma filmmaker Vera Lacková in cooperation with the company Media Voice and Daniel Grúň. It is based above all on the life story of Lacková’s great grandfather, the Roma partisan Ján Lacko, as well as on demanding historical-ethnological research that is still being carried out. The research focuses on the situation and status of Roma during the Second World War and their involvement in the Slovak National Uprising, their reasons for being part of the resistance and their activities within it. On the basis of the concrete stories of respondents and the material collected we would like to acquaint the public with the forgotten stories and fates of people who contrib- uted to the liberation of the present-day Slovak and Czech nations, putting their own lives on the line. Vera Lacková’s autobiographical investigation brings the stories of people who, not with standing their ethnic origin, managed to join together to fight evil.