Meet Igor, our protagonist with Russian origins!
Igor comes from Moscow, but he moved to Brno when he was 14. He is a street dancer, body and soul. Surprisingly, his career started at a military academy, where he pursued modern ballet and gymnastics. Watching somebody break dance for the first time in his life, when he was nine years old, most of all, he loved the free body movements. Eventually, Igor found out he would be able to dance for a living, unfortunately not in Russia. After he moved to Czechia, he fit right in the Czech society. His Czech friends have always been very supportive, boosting his energy. Various, scarce opportunities opened up for Igor, aka Iggyboy, who has always been very successful thanks to his experiences. He participated in countless battles and shows and served as a juror many times. Igor perceives his work with the world-famous dance group The Magic Spurs or winning the international contest SDK Europe to be his most significant achievements. Two fun facts to conclude: Igor played in several TV commercials and is the contemporary break dance icon of Brno.